Glasgow City Centre Plumber

In the heart of Glasgow Postcode G1, G2 & G4, pubs, clubs, restaurants, offices, shops and residential property can all rest safe in the knowledge that JSL Drainage are just a phone call away.

JSL Drainage is Glasgow’s knight in shining armour when it comes to making sure your drains flow feely and any leaks and cracked pipes are dealt with quickly and hassle free.

Our drainage experts patrol Glasgow on a daily basis responding to emergency drain issues every week.
So if you have a blocked toilet that won’t flush and you open your doors to the public tonight, we can be there and unblock your drains quickly and hassle free.

If you have noticed a bad smell coming from your restaurant bathroom and it is upsetting your customers, we can sort that out.

JSL Drainage is a professional and reputable drainage company servicing Glasgow and the surrounding areas. Our entire drainage team are all experts and fully trained and certified to fix your drainage issue.

Our business model is entirely based on providing a good quality service at a competitive price that builds us a referral network. That business model has worked for over a decade so we must be doing something right.

Book your FREE call out.
Call 0141 406 1658

Call us today for all your plumbing services in Glasgow: 0141 406 1658

JSL Plumbing in Glasgow

A reliable, professional and trusting plumber in Glasgow and the surrounding areas. For quotations, emergency call outs and commercial contracts please call our head office on 0141 406 1658.

For all drainage services in and around Glasgow, visit

For all heating services in and around Glasgow, visit