Going past 100 reviews

As one of Glasgow’s leading plumbers, we pride ourselves on our values and the positive reviews that we get for the work that we do.


We know that there are quite a few plumbers in Glasgow.  Some are good and some are bad.  But being able to demonstrate that we truly are one of the best plumbers in Glasgow through real reviews that are not published by us but are added by our customers after we have done the work.  Where they have gone out of their way to tell the rest of Glasgow about us – that makes us incredibly proud.  So you can only imagine the smile on our faces when the reviews we have on checkatrade.com passed 100.  Yes that’st right 100.  Over 100 of our customers in and around Glasgow have been so impressed with our plumbing services that they have gone out of their way to leave us god reviews.


It doesn’t make us complacent though – oh no.  If anything it urges us on to get to two hundred in less time.


But as always, we will work to the same values as always, offering a quality plumbing service in and around Glasgow at a fair and honest price for our customer.

Call us today for all your plumbing services in Glasgow: 0141 406 1658

JSL Plumbing in Glasgow

A reliable, professional and trusting plumber in Glasgow and the surrounding areas. For quotations, emergency call outs and commercial contracts please call our head office on 0141 406 1658.

For all drainage services in and around Glasgow, visit www.jsl-drainage.com

For all heating services in and around Glasgow, visit www.jsl-heating.com